About Nikki

A multi-award winning entrepreneurial business owner, strategic advisor and consultant, and champion of philanthropy and impact-focused business owners, who believes in embracing opportunities to help others harness their potential and increase their impact

Business background

Nikki’s business leadership experience spans 20 years; she’s started and grown bootstrap businesses from scratch, bought and sold them, invested in them, and loves entrepreneurship.

She’s built her own businesses, coached others to build theirs, and consulted in both the B2B and B2C sectors. She has a solid understanding of growing businesses and the challenges they face.

Nikki’s experience has helped hundreds of brand new start-ups to get off the ground but has also helped leaders of established businesses overcome complex challenges.

She’s given keynotes at large scale business events, guest lectured for Universities, and shared her knowledge during in-person seminars as well as online business groups.

Nikki has C-Suite experience,  as well as non-profit sector leadership.

Spending nine years as a Social Worker gave her a real understanding of how people think and behave, and she has a gift of connecting with people at every level.

Nikki is part of a number of high value networks and is well-connected; an asset to those who work with her professionally.

Being both logical and creative, Nikki has the ability to perceive challenges within businesses quickly and is an expert problem-solver.

Experience plus working with powerful intuition means Nikki can pick up on things that others can’t and spots opportunities that others might miss, even beyond her own areas of expertise of sales and marketing.

She’s passionate about helping individuals to grow businesses successfully, and mentors a number of individual business owners, which she loves doing.

Her work in NED roles, Sales & Marketing strategy consultancy, has led her to work for, and with, all kinds of businesses in all kinds of sectors, from luxury sales through to SAAS.

As well as offering her professional services on a 1:1 to clients, Nikki also leads a Network and Mastermind via Inspire UK. Please visit www.inspireuk.org for more info.

Nikki is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and has a BA (Hons) in PR & Communication and Masters degree in Social Work with a 2:1 and Merit respectively. Her company is registered with the ICO for your protection and peace of mind.

Nikki surrounds herself with people who are driven by their purpose and a passion to bring positive change in the world through their business and beyond. She has an extensive network of contacts and is a professional connector of people, and often attends functions and supports other non-profit organisations beyond her own, as a committed philanthropist.

Family life and passions

Nikki’s happily married with two children and lives in Hampshire, on the South Coast of the UK. She works internationally and travels for business, but prioritises her family and spending time with her children, husband, wider family and friends during the evenings and weekends.

Nikki loves the beach, holidays, sunny summer evenings (and cosy winter nights too), and when she gets a moment to switch off, you’ll find her enjoying a cuppa with friends, being pampered in a spa, visiting new places, seeing a show or a film, or learning new skills and languages. On Sundays, you’ll find her at church, and afterwards enjoying some much-needed downtime (when not running the kids to birthday parties or visiting family further afield).

Nikki's "why", in her words:

I’m motivated more than anything by the desire to create ways to help individuals rise and thrive, and make an impact in the world. My own businesses are all about serving other purpose-driven business owners to help them achieve their own impact-focused goals.

I believe our world would be a better place if people could focus on how they can help each other as the priority, focus on doing things that benefit all parties and not just themselves, and look out for those who may need their help and support a little more. My charity work and businesses are all about making a difference in the lives of others and I work best with those who share this in common. I value kindness, respect, integrity, authenticity, and am a very driven person, but always put my family and relationships first. I’m a huge believer in the power of community! Working together in partnership with others increases our resilience, capabilities and strengthens us in ways that we could never perceive, so I promote collaboration and champion this within all I do.

I love working with aspirational, purpose-driven business owners to help them increase their influence, achieve their business and personal goals, and to connect, collaborate and do good in the world. If you think you we could be good connections for one another generally, or you’d like my help with your business, click the button below and let’s chat!