Are you feeling…
Lost, trapped, or generally directionless?
Stressed, tired, guilty – is your work/life balance out of kilter and your family life suffering?
Alone and unable to make decisions?
Lack the confidence to move your business forward or make a change?
Then why not get some support from someone who knows what you’re dealing with, who can empower you to make changes that will positively impact your business, your family AND you?
What is Empowerment Coaching?
Empowerment Coaching is a specific coaching style that is designed to help you to take you through a process that will empower you to take action that will enable you to achieve your goals.
Why is Empowerment Coaching helpful?
You need a safe place to be honest and explore yourself, as well as the circumstances you currently find yourself in, including your business. You need to learn that the strength to achieve your goals is inside you, and this is where Empowerment Coaching is designed to help.
It will enable you to make changes and grow as a person, and make decisions that will help you to achieve your goals. It will also help you to be able to set goals in the first place, and enjoy the feeling of being in control!
How does it work?
The approach is a simple one but the secret is in the way that you will be empowered to manage this cycle for yourself.
The approach
We first look to identify your main goal. This may mean exploring things that are currently holding you back and helping you to overcome these.
Next, it’s time to devise a plan. We will set short and mid-term goals, with objectives that will get you moving, one step at a time, showing you that YOU have the power within you to really achieve amazing things.
Implementation. I will support you as you implement the plan. Whilst holding you accountable and acting as your sounding board, I provide encouragement, strategies and suggestions that will help you to take action, and deal with any barriers that may pop up along the way.
Review your progress. Together we will look at how far you’ve come, reflect on what lessons you’ve learned, before moving on and setting further mini-goals as required to keep you moving along towards your desired main goal.
In working through this process, you will be transforming your perspective, your perception of yourself and your circumstances, whilst also achieving clear outcomes. This is the key that will unlock your in-built ability to make changes and move forward.
It’s time to find the power that lies within yourself and make some changes. Can you afford not to, when the reality is; everything in your life is dependent on choices that are made by YOU!
Picture your life, with...
More SATISFACTION & less guilt.
More DIRECTION & less uncertainty.
More JOY & less negativity.
More CONTROL & less overwhelm.
More TIME & less stress.
More ACTION & less procrastination.
More EMPOWERMENT & less self-doubt.

What would this allow you to achieve? The sky really is the limit – when you find your inner power, you can ACHIEVE ANYTHING!
Why work with me?
What you will want:
As a parent, you will want to work with someone who knows the emotional struggles, the demands on your time and energy, as well as the financial concerns you may be facing.
You will also need to work with someone who believes in YOU and who can see your potential, your skills, your strengths and weakness (yes, we all have them!)
You will want someone who can support you in your challenges and will celebrate with you in your successes. Someone with whom you can share your fears and secrets in order to bring about positive change.
How I deliver:
My breadth and depth of professional and personal experience enables me to support you in identifying and highlight areas to work on, to empower you to set goals, and to suggest strategies that you can implement to make a positive change. I am also able to support you with accountability to ensure you don’t lose your focus.
I am able to offer a hybrid coaching style that can include mentoring, in order to offer informed suggestions that come from both personal and professional experience.
My background:
I personally know the practical and emotional challenges of building and running a business while caring for a family and holding down a job. Professionally, I have over a decade of experience working with some of the most vulnerable and disempowered individuals in our society, with thousands of hours of 1:1 client contact time under my belt.
I have completed two degrees, significant CPD, further qualifications and training. I have professional experience in a wide range of fields, from marketing & PR, financial services, third sector, social care, sales, retail, hospitality, operations, including at senior management level.
But my background is irrelevant except to satisfy YOU that I am suitably experienced and equipped to help in YOUR situation.
What’s important is that you know that I am here to help YOU get the best out of YOURSELF.
I know that you have huge potential, and in looking to develop yourself through coaching, you are already on your way to success!
What you will want:
As a parent, you will want to work with someone who knows the emotional struggles, the demands on your time and energy, as well as the financial concerns you may be facing.
You will also need to work with someone who believes in YOU and who can see your potential, your skills, your strengths and weakness (yes, we all have them!)
You will want someone who can support you in your challenges and will celebrate with you in your successes. Someone with whom you can share your fears and secrets in order to bring about positive change.
How I deliver:
My breadth and depth of professional and personal experience enables me to support you in identifying and highlight areas to work on, to empower you to set goals, and to suggest strategies that you can implement to make a positive change. I am also able to support you with accountability to ensure you don’t lose your focus.
I am able to offer a hybrid coaching style that can include mentoring, in order to offer informed suggestions that come from both personal and professional experience.
My background:
I personally know the practical and emotional challenges of building and running a business while caring for a family and holding down a job. Professionally, I have over a decade of experience working with some of the most vulnerable and disempowered individuals in our society, with thousands of hours of 1:1 client contact time under my belt.
I have completed two degrees, significant CPD, further qualifications and training. I have professional experience in a wide range of fields, from marketing & PR, financial services, third sector, social care, sales, retail, hospitality, operations, including at senior management level.
But my background is irrelevant except to satisfy YOU that I am suitably experienced and equipped to help in YOUR situation.
What’s important is that you know that I am here to help YOU get the best out of YOURSELF.
I know that you have huge potential, and in looking to develop yourself through coaching, you are already on your way to success!